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Ace Your Speech Delivery: Tricks to Improve Your Public Speaking

Apr 16, 2023



Good communication skills are a vital element in today's world, and delivering speeches is a fundamental part of it. Public speaking is considered one of the most significant tools to create an impact and build a reputable image. A well-delivered speech can help you connect with your audience, engage them, and create a lasting impression. However, not everyone has natural eloquence, and it takes consistent practice to develop the skill. This blog aims to teach you the tricks on how to get rid of filler words and ad lib smoothly, which are essential elements in improving your speech delivery.


1. Filler Words:

Filler words such as "um," "ah," and "you know," can become a habit and distract the audience from the content of your speech. To get rid of these filler words, one of the best tricks is to pause. Pausing accomplishes two essential objectives. First, it gives the speaker a chance to think about what they want to say, which reduces the chance of saying filler words. Secondly, it creates a pause between sentences, making your speech sound more structured and deliberate. Another great way to minimize filler words is to write and practice your speech.


2. Ad Libbing:

Ad libbing, also known as improvising, is an essential part of public speaking. It's the skill of adding remarks, quotes, or anecdotes to add value to your presentation. Ad libbing helps your speech become more personalized and engaging. However, it can be challenging for those who have never tried it before or those who get nervous before a big speech.


3. Practice Ad Libbing:

One of the best ways to practice your ad libbing is to anticipate questions from the audience or unexpected situations that you might encounter. For example, you can create imaginary scenarios and prepare yourself to give a smooth response. Another great tip is to watch and analyze videos of famous speakers to observe how they handle awkward situations or tough questions. Finally, practice, practice, and practice some more. Believe in yourself, and remember that ad libbing is about being confident in your knowledge and expertise.



Delivering a well-crafted speech is a crucial skill that can influence your personal and professional growth. By incorporating the above tricks into your routine, you can improve your speech delivery and overcome the fear of public speaking. Remember, practice makes perfect. And nothing beats the confidence that comes with being well prepared. If you feel like you need extra help, don't hesitate to check out my public speaking training course called "ACE your Public Speaking." It's specially curated for professionals, entrepreneurs, content creators, keynote speakers, and public speakers who want to take their speaking skills to the next level. You can find more information about the course on my website,, and take advantage of our limited-time offer. Sign up now and become an ace in public speaking!



Executive Speaking Coach

Spark Your Speaking

[email protected]

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