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ACE Your Public Speaking: Top 4 Tips to Stay on Track

Jun 18, 2023




Public speaking is often cited as one of the most common fears among people. But the truth is, it is an integral part of our personal and professional lives. Whether it's a presentation at work, a speech at a conference, or a keynote address, we are often required to speak in front of an audience. Improving your public speaking and communication skills can have a significant impact on your career and personal life. In this blog post, we will share our top tips on how to stay on track to improve your public speaking skills.


1. Set Long-term and Short-term Goals:
To make progress in your public speaking skills, it is essential to set goals. Start by identifying long-term and short-term goals. Long-term goals might include delivering a TED talk, becoming a keynote speaker or pursuing a career as a professional speaker. Short-term goals could be practicing your speech for a few minutes each day, enhancing your vocabulary, or working on your voice modulation techniques. Having clear goals helps you map out milestones along the way, which keeps you motivated.


2. Give Yourself Positive Affirmations:

Negative self-talk can hold you back from achieving your goals, including public speaking. When you find that negative voice in your head creeping up just before a presentation, replace it with positive affirmations. Positive affirmations help boost your confidence, which is paramount when you're speaking in front of an audience. Repeating affirmations, such as "I am calm, composed, and confident" or "I am a great communicator" can help shift your mindset and give you the encouragement you need.


3. Dedicate Time Each Day or Week:

Improving your public speaking skills requires consistent effort and practice. If you are serious about developing your skills, set aside time each day or week to work on them. Whether it's writing an outline for your speech, practicing in front of a mirror, or enrolling in a public speaking course, set aside time and stick to it. The more you practice, the more confident and fluent you will become.


4. Find Ways to Implement These Skills: 

Find ways to put your public speaking skills into action. Volunteering to speak at team meetings or attending events where you can network and practice your communication skills is an excellent way to implement your newfound knowledge. Practicing in front of an audience and receiving feedback helps you sharpen your skills and get better.



Improving your public speaking and communication skills can be a game-changer, whether it's in your personal or professional life. By following these top tips, you can put yourself on a path to success. Remember to set long-term and short-term goals, give yourself positive affirmations, dedicate time every week, and find ways to implement these skills in your life.

If you're looking to take your public speaking skills to the next level, sign up for our "ACE your Public Speaking" master class, available for a limited time discount on our website



Executive Speaking Coach

Spark Your Speaking

[email protected]

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