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How to Speak on the Spot in any Setting - 5 Tips to Master this Skill

Jun 16, 2023


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were asked to speak on the spot, and felt completely tongue-tied? Or perhaps you were called on to give a presentation at work with little or no notice, and found yourself struggling to come up with trusted content or ideas?

Speaking spontaneously can be daunting, but it's a critical skill in this day and age of fast-paced business and networking. However, it doesn't have to be nerve-wracking and stressful. In this blog post, I'm going to share 5 tips on how to speak on the spot in any setting and master this sought-after skill.


1. Slow down your rate of speech

When you're speaking spontaneously, it's easy to get carried away with your words, and speak too quickly. This not only makes it harder for people to understand you, but it can also make you appear nervous and unconfident. Try to slow down your rate of speech, which will enable you to think more clearly, and communicate in a more effective way.


2. Take pauses—and pause more often than not

When we feel nervous or anxious, we often fall into the trap of talking too fast or speaking in a rapid-fire way with no breaks. However, a great way to give yourself time to think and organize your thoughts is to use pauses effectively and more often than not.


3. Use the rule of 3 (when giving advice)

The rule of three is a powerful tool that has been used for centuries in speeches, rhetoric, and storytelling. The idea is that people naturally remember things in threes. When giving advice or making a point, try to use three key examples or pieces of evidence to back up your point.


4. Answer these 6 basic questions: who? what? when? where? why? how?

This is a simple but incredibly effective technique that can help you to organize your thoughts when you're put on the spot. Try to answer these 6 questions in order to help you structure what you want to say. If you can answer these questions, you'll find that you have a much clearer idea of what you want to say and how to say it.


5. Tell stories!

Humans love stories, we are wired to connect with stories. Telling stories can be one of the most powerful tools you can use to speak spontaneously. Whether you're telling a story to illustrate your point or simply telling an entertaining anecdote, make sure that you use it to grab your audience's attention.



Speaking spontaneously doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following these 5 tips, you can master this skill and feel confident and comfortable speaking on the spot in any setting. Remember to slow down your speech, take pauses, use the rule of three, answer the six basic questions, and tell stories. If you need any further help, I invite you to sign up for my public speaking master class on my website



Executive Speaking Coach

Spark Your Speaking

[email protected]

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