Coaching Packages

Improve Your Public Speaking with "The Recall Exercise"

Jun 11, 2023


Public speaking can be intimidating even for the most experienced individuals. However, being able to recall information and speak on the spot confidently can make a world of difference. Whether you're in a business setting, leading a meeting, or giving a presentation, the ability to speak clearly and confidently without having to read off a script is a key skill. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to "The Recall Exercise", a powerful tool that can help you develop this important skill


1. What is "The Recall Exercise"?
"The Recall Exercise" is a mental exercise designed to help you remember information quickly and efficiently. It's an exercise that utilizes both short and long-term memory. By practicing this exercise, you will be able to recall information and speak on the spot confidently without relying on notes or a script.


2. How Does it Work?
To start, you should create a list of 10 words or phrases related to a specific subject area. Take a few minutes to review the list and memorize the items. Once you've done this, set the list aside for a while and move on to another activity. After 30 minutes or so, go back to the list and try to recall the items you memorized earlier. Repeat this exercise several times.


3. Benefits of the "Recall Exercise"
The "Recall Exercise" can provide numerous benefits to individuals who aspire to become great public speakers and communicators. It can improve your memory and recall ability, boost your confidence, and help you speak with clarity. Practicing this exercise regularly can also help you stay focused and organized during a presentation or meeting.


4. How to Incorporate "The Recall Exercise"
You can incorporate "The Recall Exercise" into your daily routine in numerous ways. For example, you can practice it while commuting, during lunch breaks, or before bed. It's important to allocate enough time and remain consistent with the exercise. With time, you will develop your recall ability and become more confident in your communication skills.


5. Additional Tips for Public Speaking
To improve your public speaking even further, you can try standing in front of a mirror and practicing speaking with gestures and intonation. It's also important to prepare well for your speech or presentation, know your audience, and overcome any fears and insecurities before taking the stage.


"The Recall Exercise" is a simple yet powerful tool you can use to improve your public speaking ability in any setting. By practicing this exercise regularly, you will be able to recall information and speak confidently without the need for notes or a script. Additionally, incorporating additional tips for public speaking can help you take your communication skills to the next level. With dedication and practice, anyone can become a great public speaker.



Executive Speaking Coach

Spark Your Speaking

[email protected]

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