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Master Your Public Speaking Skills with These 3 Daily Exercises

Jul 07, 2023



Public speaking is one of the most important skills needed for success in today world. Whether you're an entrepreneur, leader, content creator, keynote speaker, or just someone who wants to be heard, effective communication can make all the difference. However, it's not always easy to speak in public, especially if you struggle with nervousness or anxiety. Fortunately, there are daily exercises you can do every day to help you overcome your fears and become a master of public speaking. In this blog post, we'll explore three of the most effective daily exercises to help you improve your public speaking skills and command the room.


1. Tongue Twister Exercises:

One of the common challenges of public speaking is pronouncing words clearly and effectively. Tongue twisters are a fun and challenging way to improve your pronunciation skills. These exercises are simple to do and can help develop your vocal muscles. For example, try saying "red leather yellow leather" or "unique New York" repeatedly, and you'll feel the muscles in your mouth start to work. When you can utter these phrases flawlessly, you'll feel more confident tackling complicated words in your public speaking engagements.


2. Ad-libbing Exercises:

Ad-libbing is a skill that is vital for successful public speaking. It requires you to think quickly on your feet, respond to questions, and make sense of complex information. On your next commute or walk, take a moment to practice thinking on your feet. Practice responding to spontaneous questions or comments. Try to give informative, helpful, and engaging answers, using your natural speaking style. Besides, you can practice ad-libbing by preparing a speech mentally and then presenting it out loud, without any notes. Doing so helps you to harness your creativity and natural communication style. Give it a try!


3. Humming Exercises:

Humming exercises are a practical tool for public speaking training. Consciously buzzing out songs or reciting a poem can help your voice to resonate; you'll be able to feel the sound vibrating inside and in front of your mouth. Besides, Humming also helps reduce tension, which will make you more relaxed and balanced, contributing to projecting your voice better. You can hum in the shower, while taking a walk, or anytime when you have a few minutes to spare. Your ultimate goal is to train your mind, mouth and voice to synchronize together, making it much easier to deliver a speech with clarity and confidence.



Daily training with these simple and fun exercises will help you to become a master of public speaking, especially when dealing with impromptu and unprepared situations. You can gradually incorporate these exercises in your day-to-day schedule to get yourself comfortable with public speaking. Practice a little every day, and soon you will be delivering engaging and impactful speeches confidently. If you're looking to take your public speaking skills to the next level, don't forget to check out my ACE your public speaking master class on, which can be a great addition to your journey to become an excellent public speaker.



Executive Speaking Coach

Spark Your Speaking

[email protected]


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